3. Prepare your ears

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Let's learn two English diphthongs: /eə/ and /ɪə/. First of all, listen to the videos:



We've seen that the first diphthong is sometimes confused with another vowel sound, /æ/. Put the following words into their correct column according to their pronunciation: square, near, glad, Mary, pair, marry, weary, hear, fair, dad.

/æ/ /ɪə/





Pregunta de Selección Múltiple

Which is the sound of the following words?

1. care

By ankneyd, C. Commons
a) /eə/
b) /ɪə/
c) other

2. year
a) /eə/
b) /ɪə/
c) other

3. dared
a) /eə/
b) /ɪə/
c) other

4. pair
By Just_Tom, C. Commons
a) /eə/
b) /ɪə/
c) other

5. beard
a) /eə/
b) /ɪə/
c) other

6. bear
a) /eə/
b) /ɪə/
c) other

Icono IDevice Further knowledge
Visit the following website in order to learn and practice the diphthongs.

Icono IDevice Pronunciation activity

By steveyb, C. Commons



Practice the pronunciation of the following words:

square, hear, fair, hair, pair, weary, bear, beard, dared, year


Remember to ask Mike as many times as you need.

Well done! Now go to the 'Practice your English' section.