2.1. A mouse or two mice?

Icono de iDevice Solved exercise: irregular plurals

Irregular plurals obviously don't follow any rules. However, we can list them in different types:

  • Some change the vowel, the ending or the whole word:

man-men, woman-women, child-children, person-people, tooth-teeth, foot-feet, goose-geese, mouse-mice, louse-lice

  • Some words don't change at all:

fish-fish, deer-deer, sheep-sheep, series-series, species-species

  • Some words that come from Latin have Latin endings:

phenomenon-phenomena, datum-data, thesis-theses, appendix-appendices

Icono IDevice Further knowledge

For a list of irregular plurals, click here.

Practice these plurals on this website.

Finally, this video is a very good summary of both regular and irregular nouns.

Icono de iDevice Actividad de Espacios en Blanco
Write either the singular or the plural form of these nouns. They can be regular or irregular.

1. - wifes

2. computer -

3. person -

4. - series

5. fly -

6. - boxes

7. mouse -

8. echo -

9. - teeth

10. fish -


Icono IDevice Curiosity
The Welsh Language

In Wales, apart from English, there is another language spoken by many people: Welsh, which is a Celtic language. Officially, they have equal status, but the truth is people speak more English than Welsh nowadays.

Here are some examples of Welsh:

By calumscotland, C. Commons



-Good morning




-Bore da

-Iechyd da!


Icono IDevice Writing activity
It's time to write a bit! Write a short text (between 80-100 words) answering this question:

What kind of TV programmes do you like?

By Olivander, C. Commons

Use the vocabulary you have learned in this unit.

When you finish, remember to check the spelling, punctuation and grammar.


There is only one section to finish! We are talking a bit more about nouns.