5-Paco and Andrés are very good at tennis.

Icono de iDevice Vocabulary practice: leisure time

Theatre, cinema, museum, art gallery, casino, zoo, circus, disco, funfair, amusement arcade, are some words related to entertainment and free time.

If you go to any of these places: are you a customer, a visitor or a member of the audience?
Icono de iDevice Solved exercise

What do you do when ...

You go to the cinema?
You go to the theatre?
You go to a museum?
You go to a casino?
You go to a zoo?
You go to a disco?
You go to a circus?
You go to a fun fair?

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  • To learn more about sports and practice with some exercises, don't miss this site.
  • Would you like to know how do the British spend their leisure time? Click here.