2.2 Sonia has never been given a diamond.

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By stephend9. C. Commons
As you have already learned, only transitive verbs, that is, verbs with one or two objects —direct and/or indirect— may be used in the passive voice. It is also important to remember that the receiver of the action in the active voice (either the direct or indirect object) becomes the subject in the passive. However,

what happens with ditransitive verbs, that is, verbs which require two objects, a direct and an indirect one?

E.g.: Nobody has ever given Sonia a diamond.

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In English, of the two possibilities we have to form the passive voice when a verb has two objects, the one in which the indirect object becomes the subject of the passive is preferred.

Taking that into account,

Paco was told a terrible story about diamonds1

is preferred to

A terrible story about diamonds was told to Paco.

1 This structure does not exist in Spanish, since Paco fue contado una horrible historia sobre diamantes is not grammatically correct. In Spanish, it is said: A Paco le contaron una horrible historia sobre diamantes.

Icono IDevice Further knowledge

Let's continue improving our knowledge of the passive voice. In order to do so, click here, first, to learn more general things about the topic, and by click ing here you will read more specific information about it.

Now, watch the following video which is really amusing and illustrative.



Finally, complete all the exercises below, in order, to practice with both voices, the active and the passive.

Exercise 1 Exercise 2 Exercise 3
Exercise 4 Exercise 5 Exercise 6

Icono de IDevice de pregunta Self-Assessment

Which of the following sentences is preferred in English?

1. One of Andrés's friends sent him a parcel.

a. A parcel was sent to Andrés by one of his friends.
b. Andrés was sent a parcel by one of his friends.

2. The teacher had asked them a difficult question.
a. They had been asked a difficult question by the teacher.
b. A difficult question had been asked to them by the teacher.

3. Sonia wasn't telling Paco the truth.
a. The truth was not being told to Paco by Sonia.
b. Paco was not being told the truth by Sonia.

Icono IDevice Actividad

The agent

The agent, that is, the doer of the action in the active voice, is normally added at the very end of the passive clause or sentence. It is important that you remember that when the agent is added, it is preceded by the preposition by.

Have a look at the following examples, paying special attention to the sentences in which the agent is added.

Paco was given a present by Sonia (Active: Sonia gave Paco a present).

Paco has already been told the truth (Active: Someone has already told Paco the truth).

The decision had not been made yet by the Committee (Active: The Committee had not made the decision yet).

It is said to be true (Active: People say it is true).


One of the reasons why we use the passive voice in English is that we are not interested in the doer of the action. However, we may mention it if it is known. If the doer of the action is not specifically known (someone, somebody, people, etc.) the agent is left out in the passive sentences as in the two examples above.