1. Paco can communicate in Canada

Icono IDevice Reading activity
Paco has arrived in Ottawa, the capital city of Canada and the second largest city of the province of Ontario. He's very excited about visiting a new country. Canada is the second largest country in the world. It consists of 10 provinces and three territories as you can see in the map. There are two official languages in this country, English and French, so Paco can communicate with Canadian people without any problem.
By E Pluribus Anthony, C. Commons

The existence of these two official languages dates back to the 15th century, when both British and French expeditions explored this land and settled along the Atlantic coast. Today it is officially a bilingual country, which means both languages have equal status in government and administration. For example, all laws must be enacted in English and French. However, this does not mean people in the country can speak both languages. In fact, 67.5% of the population speak only English and 13.3% speak only French. And Quebec is the only province where the official language is only French.

The most populated areas of Canada are in the south, where Paco is going to stay at the beginning. Then he might go up to the north and visit the province of Nunavut, towards the Arctic, an area of beautiful landscapes and amazing wildlife, with a very small population, mostly Inuit. Paco could meet some Inuit people there. He's curious about them! He never thought of seeing these people in real life. He has seen them many times in films... This makes him think he should buy some warmer clothes. It must be freezing in the Arctic!

What modal verbs can you find in the text?

Self-Assessment activity
Read the text again and decide if the following statements are true or false.

1. Ontario is the capital city of Canada.
By drurydrama (Len Radin), C. Commons

Verdadero Falso

2. Canada is the second biggest country in the world.

Verdadero Falso

3. Alaska is part of Canada.

Verdadero Falso

4. Most people can speak English in Canada.

Verdadero Falso

5. All provinces in Canada are officially bilingual.

Verdadero Falso

6. Most Canadian people live in the north.

Verdadero Falso
Icono de iDevice Solved exercise

Study these examples taken from the reading text:

Paco can communicate with Canadian people without any problem.

All laws must be enacted in English and French.

Paco might go up to the north and visit Nunavut.

Paco could meet some Inuit people there.

He should buy some warmer clothes.

1- What form of the verb comes after modal verbs?

2- Can modal verbs act as main verbs?

3- What is the negative form of can, must, might, could and should?

Icono IDevice Further knowledge
Have a look at this website in order to learn the affirmative, negative and interrogative forms of modal verbs.

Icono de iDevice Self-Assessment activity
Transform these sentences into negative and interrogative ones:

1. Laws must be enacted in English and French.



2. He should buy warmer clothes.



Let's learn more about modal verbs in the next section!