4. Paco spoke everyday to his family

Icono IDevice Listening activity: 1




Listen to the song by Céline Dion in order to be familiar with the Simple Past Tense irregular forms.
Can you recognize all the irregular verbs in the song? 

Icono IDevice Listening activity: 2

Listen for the irregular Past Tense forms and complete the sentences. Click on the loudspeaker to do the exercise.

Icono de iDevice Solved exercise
Once upon a time there were a King and a Queen who (have) a beautiful daughter: Snow White.The Queen (die) soon after the child was born and the King (take) a second wife.
This woman (be) so vain and (have) a magic mirror. Every day she (ask) the mirror:Mirror, mirror on the wall who is the fairest of them all’?. And the mirror (answer):You are the fairest one of all’.
Snow White (grow) more and more beautiful so that one day the mirror (answer) to the Queen: “You (be) the fairest one, it is true, but Snow White (be) lovelier than you.”
From that moment the Queen (begin) to hate Snow White. So one day she (call) her huntsman and (tell) him: “Take Snow White into the wood and kill her. And bring me back her heart. But the huntsman (love) Snow White and (let) her run away into the wood.
At night the poor girl (find) a little house. Inside there (be) seven little beds. Tired, she (fall) asleep. A little later the owners of the house (come) back.
They (be) seven dwarfs who (work) in a gold mine in the mountain …………
Fill in the gaps with the verbs in the Simple Past Tense form (pay attention because there are two verbs which are in the Present Simple Tense form).

Icono de iDevice Solved exercise: 2
        2   3


    7   8



      12 13

14   15  







  23   24






3. past of to bring 5. past of to stick 8. past of to sing 10. past of to eat 11. past of to feed 12. past participle of to shake 16. past participle of to sell 17. past participle of to read 18. past of to leave 20. past of to meet 21. past of to draw 24. past of to drink 25. past of to fly 26. past participle of to stand 27. past participle of to make


1. past of to hurt 2. past of to choose 3. past participle of to be 4. past participle of to take 6. past of to understand 7. past of to sit 9. past participle of to go 13. past of to hear 14. past participle of to swim 15. past participle of to write 19. past of to go 22. past of to pay 23. past of to win


Complete with the suitable forms of these irregular verbs.

Icono de iDevice Actividad de Espacios en Blanco
Read the sentences below and fill in with the suitable verbs in the Simple Past.
  1. Yesterday afternoon, Paco (find) a wallet and (give) it to the policeman.
  2. Alex (be) at home last night, but Andrés and Pedro (be) at the cinema.
  3. My sister and I (see) that movie last week. We (love) it.
  4. His parents (forget) their house keys at the party.
  5. I (visit) my grandparents last weekend.
  6. Last night we (have) a wonderful time at the theater.
  7. My cousin's brother (drink) six glasses of water in one minute.
  8. Lisa, Sally and Meg (hear) a strange noise outside.

Icono IDevice Further knowledge
Here you can have a look at a table with the most common irregular verbs.
Do you need further practice with irregular verbs? Click these numbers: 1 / 2 / 3

Click here if you want to see an interesting visual map of the past tense.