3. If, if, if...


In a Type 1 conditional sentence, the tense in the 'if' clause is the simple present, and the tense in the main clause is the simple future.


If + simple present
If it rains
If you don't hurry

Simple future
you will get wet
we will miss the train.

They refer to a possible condition and its probable result. They are based on facts, and they are used to make statements about the real world, and about particular situations. We often use such sentences to give a warning.

Icono IDevice Listening activity

Listen to this song from Janet Jackson titled 'If'


Below you have the lyrics of the song. In bold you have two conditional sentences but one of them is modified.

  1. Can you identify the real first type conditional sentence?
  2. Can you write the modified conditional correctly?

Icono IDevice Further knowledge

Janet Jackson is from the USA and she uses colloquial words and expressions in her songs as:


Gotten=got (past participle)


To remember some aspects of American English, click here.

Icono IDevice Curiosity

In Vietnam, and especially in Hanoi, 90% of the vehicles are motorbikes. Have a look at this video to check that, if you can bear the noise!



Well, let's see if Phuong is accompanying Paco to the water theatre. In the next section the second type of conditional is studied.