1. Paco has flown to Kenya

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Do you remember THE FORM of the Present Perfect Simple and the Present Perfect Continuous?
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Remember the -ed spelling rules you need for the Present Perfect Simple and the -ing spelling rules you need for the Present perfect Continuous.

  • Normally just add -ing: work - working.
  • If the verb ends in -e, eliminate it before adding -ing: live - living.
  • If the verb ends in consonant + vowel + consonant, double the consonant: stop - stopping.
  • If the verb ends in -y, DON'T CHANGE ANYTHING!: study - studying.
  • The general rule is: add -ed to the infinitive form (work-worked).
  • If the verb ends in 'e': just add -d (live-lived).
  • If the verb ends in consonant+vowel+consonant: double the consonant before -ed (stop-stopped).
  • If the verb ends in consonant + y: change 'y' to 'i' and add -ed (study-studied).

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Transform the following sentences into the negative and the interrogative forms.

1. Paco has booked a hotel in Nairobi.



2. Paco has been reading about the different wildlife reserves for over an hour.



3. The Maasai people have been living in the region for many years.



4. Mount Kenya has been an important landmark for a long time.




Icono IDevice Curiosity

This is one of the reasons why Paco decided to travel to Kenya...

Click on the video and discover this country!


After having a look at the form of these two tenses, we are going to have a look at their uses in the next section. Let's go!