1. The people who live in Nunavut are Inuit

Icono IDevice Reading activity
Paco is now in Nunavut, a region in the very north of Canada, as the map below shows. The capital city is called Iqaluit and it is located in one of the numerous islands that belong to Nunavut, Baffin Island. Although it is a very large region, it is the least populated province of Canada: only about 30,000 inhabitants. Most of the people who live here are Inuit, as they prefer to call themselves. They are indigenous people that are often referred to as Eskimos, a term which is considered pejorative by them. A possible reason is that one of the multiple meanings given to the word 'Eskimo' is 'eaters of raw meat'.

Paco arrived at the international airport of Iqaluit, and soon felt the amazingly freezing weather of this region in the Arctic. Now he can feel in his own flesh what it is to be in the North Pole. He is wearing a really warm coat which he bought especially for this place, and he remembers all those films of Eskimos, snow, igloos and sleds. And it is not the coldest time of the year!

The snow is present almost every month and it is a place of rich untouched flora and fauna and ancient traditions. Among the animals which can be seen in this region, we could mention polar bears, seals, elks, beavers, or caribous. There are attractive activities which the tourist can enjoy such as dog team races, igloo building demonstrations, ice sculpting, snowmobile races, and many other traditional Inuit activities and performances. The activity which Paco will probably enjoy more is a tour by dog sled! He will surely have a great time again!

By EOZyo, public domain

What examples of relative clauses can you find in the text?

Self-Assessment activity
Read the text again and decide if the following statements are true or false:

1. The capital city of Nunavut is on Baffin Island.

Verdadero Falso

2. There are 30,000 inhabitants in Iqaluit.

By richdurant, C. Commons

Verdadero Falso

3. The indigenous people in this region like to be called Eskimos.

Verdadero Falso

4. There is snow almost all the year through.

Verdadero Falso

5. Paco is afraid of dog sleds.

Verdadero Falso
Icono de iDevice Solved exercise
Study the following sentences taken from the reading text:

The capital city is located in one of the numerous islands that belong to Nunavut.

Most of the people who live here are Inuit.

They are indigenous people that are often referred to as Eskimos.

This is a term which is considered pejorative by them.

He is wearing a really warm coat which he bought especially for this place.

There are attractive activities which the tourist can enjoy.

The activity which Paco will probably enjoy more is a tour by dog sled!
What are the relative pronouns used? Do they refer to people or things?

Icono de iDevice Self-Assessment activity
Complete the following sentences with 'who' or 'which':

1. English is the subject I most enjoy.

2. The freedom you can feel in Nunavut is amazing.

4. The person has just arrived in Nunavut is Paco.

3. The computer you gave me doesn't work. 

5. My brother is the man was here earlier.


Icono IDevice Further knowledge

Practice the relative pronouns who, which and that by doing these exercises:

Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 3



Icono IDevice Curiosity

By courosa, C. Commons

Do you know the meaning of 'Nunavut'?


It is 'our land', in the language of the Inuit. In this region English and French are official languages, together with Inuktitut and Inuinnaqtun, the languages of these indigenous people.

Let's learn about relative clauses in the next section!