1. Paco likes sports

Icono IDevice The Present Simple tense

Paco likes sports

baloncesto tenis motocross
By Josa Junior C. Commons. By Querpass bilder C Commons . By Tricky C. Commons.

Paco likes sports a lot. He does sports to keep fit. He usually plays basketball with his friends at weekends and, from time to time, they go for a mountain bike ride. Paco enjoys cycling very much. They intend to do Saint James' Way by bike next year.

Paco also likes tennis and he plays with Andrés on Wednesday evenings. Although Paco has got a lot of friends, Andrés is one of his best friends. They sometimes watch tennis on television together, but Paco doesn't like to watch all sports on tv. He only watches basketball and tennis. Paco likes tennis because his father plays with him occasionally.

Do you recognize all the simple present forms that appear in the text?. There are some forms of the verb to be, some of the verb to have got and several common verbs in Simple Present Tense. Make an effort and try to identify just the third person singular forms.

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There are lots of different web sites to learn about the Present Simple Tense and to practice with exercises. Grammars and dictionaries online can also be useful for your learning.

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Here you have some basic rules to form the Present Simple affirmative, negative and interrogative forms.

Write down some verbs in the present simple, 3rd person singular to check out its pronunciation, eg. does, catches, goes, reads...

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Click on the flame and watch the following video by The Bangles, playing the song Eternal Flame and notice the uses of the Present Simple tense.

By Peasap. C. Commons

In this song you can hear these sentences: ...when you are sleeping / Am I only dreaming?. They are in the Present Continuous Tense. Let's learn about it.

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Choose the correct answer for each question:

Paco plays golf everyday.

No, he doesn't.
Yes, he does.

Does Paco have any brothers or sisters?
Yes, he have two brothers.
Yes, he has a brother and a sister.

Paco likes playing tennis.
Yes, he does.
No, he doesn't

Does Paco play basketball on Wednesdays?
No, he doesn't.
Yes, he does.

Paco enjoys cycling.
Yes, he does.
No, he doesn't.

Finisterre, kilómetro 0

By Blogefl. Creative Commons.
Does Paco do sports to keep fit?
No, he doesn't.
Yes, he does.

Paco and Andrés watch tennis on tv.
Yes, they do.
No, they don't.

Do Paco and his friends intend to do Saint James' Way?
No, they don't.
Yes, they do.

Paco's father plays tennis with him.
Yes, he does.
No, he doesn't.