6. Solved exercise

Icono IDevice Reading activity
Hanoi is about 200 kilometres now. Paco has moved to Halong Bay and he is sitting on a deck looking into the emerald waters of the bay, waiting for the junk to come for a boat trip around the bay. There are lots of people everywhere waiting for the ships. Paco has planned to go on a cruise and sleep in the junk for one night and spend the next one in Cat Ba island. Although the landscape is wonderful, he is a little bit sad.

Finally Phuong accompanied him to the theatre and they had fun with the performance. After that they were having a walk around the lake and having dinner in the French Quarter....definitely he has fallen in love with her but now, here he is lost in his thoughts...

Halong Bay
Elaboración propia.

'I would have liked Phuong to be here. I could have told her to come with me, although she must work these days but her colleague might have changed her turns, well there is nothing to be done now. If I had spent some more days in Hanoi, we would have had more time to know each other. But now it's too late to regret. Hopefully I will call her later to chat with her, at about six she may have finished work. Oh! this one must be my ship'.

In the text above there are some sentences containing modal perfect verb forms. Can you identify them and complete the following chart?



Icono de iDevice Solved exercise

There is a third type conditional sentence in the text...

Vietnamese girl


Identify it and rewrite it in the other three types of conditional sentences (zero, first and second type) studied in the unit.

Icono de iDevice Solved Exercise
Paco regrets not having told Phuong to go with him to Halong Bay, when he says: 'If I had spent some more days in Hanoi, we would have had more time to know each other'
Could you finish the previous conditional in a different way? If I had spent some more days in Hanoi...