1. What will the world be like in the 22nd century?

The Simple Future tense or 'will' future

The structure of the Simple Future tense is:

subject + auxiliary verb WILL + main verb


For negative sentences in the simple future tense, we insert not between the auxiliary verb and main verb. For question sentences, we exchange the subject and auxiliary verb. Look at these example sentences with the simple future tense:

  subject auxiliary verb   main verb  
+ I will   open the door.
+ You will   finish before me.
- She will not be at school tomorrow.
- We will not leave yet.
? Will you   arrive on time?
? Will they   want dinner?
Icono IDevice Listening activity


Listen and watch this video about the future.


Can you recognize the two uses of will mentioned in this video?

Icono de iDevice Solved exercise
FuturamaA city in the future
By Nxtiak Creative commons
Write at least five predictions about how a big city will be in the 22nd century using the will future.









Icono IDevice Further knowledge

When we use the simple future tense in speaking, we often contract the subject and the auxiliary verb:

I will I'll
you will you'll
he will
she will
it will
we will we'll
they will they'll

So, there are different pronunciations depending on the short or long forms. Now you can practice this with Mike.

You can also listen to the pronunciation in Google translator as long as you introduce no more than 100 printed characters and you select an English to English translation.

That's all about the will future. In the next section we'll deal with the 'going to' future, you will find it easy.