3. I'll go with you

Icono IDevice Reading activity


When Paco got on the touristic bus, he sat next to a tall blond young man who was sitting on his own. He was about 25 years old and seemed to be very cheerful and friendly.

Paco was holding a brochure which suddenly fell on the floor. The young man offered his help quickly.

YOUNG MAN: I'll take it. Here you are.

PACO: Thank you.

YOUNG MAN: Is it your first time in Dublin?

PACO: Yes. Actually, this is my first day. I'm going to stay here for a few days. And you?

YOUNG MAN: Me too. I'm visiting Europe and I'm going to visit Dublin this week. Maybe we could go to some places together. What do you think?

PACO: Why not?

YOUNG MAN: I would also like to have a drink in Temple Bar. I think it will be really nice. By the way, what are you doing tonight? I'm going to have dinner in a pub in town. Would you like to come?

PACO: Hmm... OK. I'll go with you. Here's my phone number.

YOUNG MAN: Great! I promise I will call you as soon as I arrive at my hotel.

PACO: Do you think it will rain tonight?

YOUNG MAN: Look at the sky. It's not going to rain.

By Two Thumbs, C. Commons

Identify all the examples of future forms that you can find in the text:

Self-Assessment activity
Read the text again and decide if the following statements are true or false:

1. The young man was very kind.

Verdadero Falso

2. Paco suggests meeting that night for dinner.

Verdadero Falso

3. The man thinks it might rain although it is not likely.

Verdadero Falso
Icono de iDevice Solved exercise

Study the following examples from the text:

By pierofix, C. Commons


1. I'll take it.

2. I'm going to stay here for a few days.

3. I think it will be really nice.

4. OK. I'll go with you.

5. I promise I will call you as soon as I arrive at my hotel.

6. Look at the sky. It's not going to rain.

Match the sentences above with one of the following uses:

a. A promise.

b. A plan or intention.

c. A prediction based on opinion.

d. A prediction based on what is happening.

e. An offer.

f. A decision made at the moment of speaking.

Self-Assessment activity

Choose the correct option: 'will' or 'be going to'.

1.Look at the baby's face. He _______________ cry.

a) will
b) is going to

2. -I don't understand my Maths homework. - I ____________help you.
a) will
b) am going to

3. Could you lend me 20€, please? I promise I _______ give them back tomorrow.
a) will
b) am going to

4. What are your plans? What _________________ do?
a) will you
b) are you going to

5. I've put on weight recently. I think I _____________ go on a diet.
a) will
b) am going to

Icono IDevice Further knowledge

Practice the difference between 'will' and 'going to' by doing these exercises:

Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 3

Let's continue in the next section!