4. Enjoy your life

Icono IDevice Writing activity

Time to write! Taking into account the vocabulary you have learned in this unit, in the texts and activities in the two previous sections, write a film review on your own (about 80-100 words). You can use the answers you have given in the speaking activity in the previous section, or you can think of another film.

By Olivander, C. Commons


When you finish, remember to check the spelling, punctuation and grammar.

Icono de iDevice Reflexión

What's the point in the song?

Icono de iDevice Solved exercise

We are going to focus on three English diphthongs:

All of them are diphthongs ending in /ɪ/. As you know, you have to learn words and their pronunciation together in English since the spelling often contradicts the pronunciation.

For example, let's have a look at the words:

wait / weight

They have different spellings but both are pronounced exactly the same!: /wɛɪt/

Try to place each of these words under their correct diphthong. Use our robot whenever you need it!

choice, life, price, face, enjoy, table








Icono IDevice Further knowledge
There is a really useful website to learn about different dipthongs in English and their pronunciation. Click here to visit the site! Don't miss it!

Pregunta de Selección Múltiple

Choose the correct diphthong according to each word's pronunciation. Remember to use Mike if needed:

1. pace

b. /ɛɪ/
c. /ɔɪ/
d. other

2. try
a. /aɪ/
b. /ɛɪ/
c. /ɔɪ/
d. other

3. threat
a. /aɪ/
b. /ɛɪ/
c. /ɔɪ/
d. other

4. great
a. /aɪ/
b. /ɛɪ/
c. /ɔɪ/
d. other

And that's it! End of topic 5 and end of unit 3! Well done! Now let's 'Practice your English'!