6. Paco learns about the Brithish Empire

Icono IDevice The British Empire
Paco is flying bound to London. Now everything Paco hears and reads is English: notices, warnings, the stewards explanations, the Commander's voice, ... English, English and English. Although the flight to London takes about two hours, Paco decides to take a magazine to relax for a while, since Paco is really afraid of flying. Of course the magazine's language is English and there is an article that draws Paco's attention: the British Empire. Paco is really interested in it and begins reading:
At its peak, the British Empire was the largest formal empire that the world had ever known. As such, its power and influence stretched all over the globe; shaping it in all manner of ways: the triumphs, the humiliations, the good that it brought and the bad that it inflicted. For better or worse the British Empire had a massive impact on the history of the world. It is for this reason that here we try to bring to life the peoples, cultures, adventures and domination that made the Empire such a powerful institution. It is neither an apology for, nor a nostalgic reminiscence of the institution that so dominated the world for over two centuries.

The British Empire in 1897 (in pink).

Cambridge University Library. Public Domain

Defining the start and finish for the dates of the British Empire has not been an easy task. It is generally divided into two distinct Empires. The First Empire revolved primarily, but not exclusively, around the settler colonies of the Americas. These would be termed the Thirteen Colonies and would gain their independence from Britain in 1783.

The Second Empire then developed from the remnants of the First - particularly India - and were added to during the Napoleonic Wars and then throughout the nineteenth century and even into the beginning of the twentieth century. It is this Second, predominantly Victorian, Empire that most people associate with the British Empire.

Paco gets astonished with the reading. He is willing to visit the British Museum and see all the legacy inside.

British Museum main entrance.
By Steff. GNU free license


Icono IDevice Listening comprehension activity

Watch the following video about the British Museum. You will enjoy a lot with this tour.
Pay attention to it in order to answer properly the self-assessment below.

Icono de IDevice de pregunta Self-Assessment activity
You can visit the British Museum in ...

The famous stone called ......... appears in the video.

Most of the images that appear in the video are from ...
Greece and Rome.

How many different songs can you listen to in the video?
Only one.

Icono IDevice Further knowledge

The official website of the British Empire: where the sun never sets. Lots of images and information.

If you want to enlarge your idea of the British Empire here you can find some definitions according to some dictionaries and encyclopedias.

For further knowledge about the British Empire, you can have a look at this interesting website.

Don't miss this for further information about the British Museum.

By Steff Dahl. GNU free documentation license